EcoFlex CMYK EcoFlex CMYK is a digital 4-color print. This allows images with an unlimited number of colors and shadows to be printed, including photographs. We also have several alternatives to choose from, for example the perforated EcoFlex Air, or Anti-Flame for certified, flame resistant, printing. arrow_forward EcoFlex Permatone EcoFlex Permatone is most often used when printing designs with few colors. The transfer is screen-printed with our own waterbased colors, also colors such as shimmering gold, silver and neon shades are possible. We have a standard color chart of 30 colors + 3 metallic shades that we print without color mixing fee. arrow_forward EcoFlex Reflective Increase the visibility of the garment or umbrella by choosing EcoFlex Reflective. Many use reflective prints on work clothes for outdoor use and where extra visibility is needed, such as safety clothing. They can also be used as merely a nice effect on e.g. profile or children's clothing. You can use any colors from the Pantone color chart. arrow_forward Numbers & Letters Perma numbers 0-9 are delivered in packs of 10 of the same didgit. Perma letters A-Z are delivered in packs of 10 of the same letter. We have three models of numbers to choose from, as well as different sizes. Our numbers and letters are printed with HT glue. arrow_forward